The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme is the longest standing, most successful and well-researched stress reduction programme worldwide.
Mindfulness is a way for each of us to start noticing what is happening both inside us (thoughts, emotions, body sensations) and around us in this moment.
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme is an integrative, participant-centred approach to stress management. The course is challenging and life-affirming, providing a safe, supportive, and deeply engaging learning environment.
Upcoming courses
Please contact me to find out about upcoming courses
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course schedule consists of eight weekly classes and one day-long class on a Saturday. The highly participatory, practical program includes:
Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices
Gentle stretching and mindful yoga
Group dialogue and discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life
Daily home assignments
What you'll gain
Lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms
An increased ability to relax
Reductions in pain levels and an enhanced ability to cope with pain that may not go away
Greater energy and enthusiasm for life
Improved self-esteem
An ability to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful situations
Mindfulness can be to be said to be the ability to pay attention to present moment experience with open curiosity and a willingness to be with what is. In other words, it is becoming fully awake in our own lives.
Mindfulness is non‐dependent on any belief system or ideology and its benefits are therefore accessible to anyone.
Hi, I’m Clare Cresswell, a physiotherapist and mindfulness coach.
I work with people who are challenged with long-term (chronic) health conditions and pain to find creative and manageable ways to live their lives to the full. Read more about me…